Argh.... midnight.!!!!!
me and cousin online-ing.
plus sienz. someone bet ball. and watch the competition.
erm..... me just boring at home.
We at grandmother home already.
1 use pc online 1 use laptop online.
online each other. damn bored.
but all the gAmbler is enjoy their FIFA WORLD CUP.
bet bet bet... lose lose lose.
henggg,....curse them.
my cousin playing the games. leave me online write blog here..
what time ready to sleep?
but my grandmother not allow we both late than 2am wor.
erm..... i feel like wanna eat ! but. ..... i need to endure . cant eat.
this few day cannot go out.
that chibai kongcl date me out. but. i refuse her.
huh? so seh dek wer xD
i miss him er.......dim suen?
today my cousin said we both wont couple so long.
i think so and agree. because he already treat me cold and no feelings.
sure will sad and disappointed . but at least we gt couple .
and he have serious to me. really enough~
long time didnt see him ~ miss ++++
i miss his sound.
i miss his people
i miss his call me bie
i miss his embrace
i miss his hand hold my hand
im so childish. i knw. ...but let me imagine awhile lar
he still watching the fifa world cup .
i hope when he finish ....he will miss me ,find me.
ILY so much.
boyfriend plus girlfriend equal to couple.
sigh ....
cousin HERE. i need her xD
good cousin I DAMN LOVE YOU HK