Today i wear like this to go out Jusco with mr.mystery. LOL. his name in my blog. i need keep this top secret. hohoho. 10am waked up, prepare and waiting him, i think he yesterday late to sleep, he wanna rest more awhile. never mind, i understand it. so i didn't call him or what, let him sleep enough. well,i online Fb while waiting him. Finally he waked :) guy, dont be anxious. i didnt blame on you .i willing to wait you.
Jusco, We watch this soon, Priest

when watch movie before, i think he hungry already,went to Black Canyon . when he look at the menu, realize all the food is Thailand flavor. LOL. he didn't say, i dont realize it. chit-chat. 6pm starting movie, feel cold and the movie is so disgusting. i need cover my eyes. LOL. Finish it, ready to back home, 8pm++ still early? hmm.... well, back home better. although i really not willing ,cause i miss him. have no choice.sorry
remove makeup and shower, update blog.
sigh, goodbye and take care. imy always.