Monday , so tomorrow i need return to school.
Honestly, exam next day, midyear exam. is that important?
i consider that is.
Just back from Parade with Her(kongcl).
Kbox. again. always both of us went to sing-k.
at Kbox counter, service personnel said we not student, student card is invalid.
wtf. actually , because our Mrs.Kong has dyed hair. Aduhh!!
Finally ,pass through and allowed.
haih, because i 've caught a cold, affected my sound.
today songs are very not pleasing to the ear. sucks.
please, next time when i've caught ,shouldn't dating with me.
my sound is husky.arghhhh
4-30 til 7-00.
bought nail polish at SaSa.
ehem.. before she(mum) came to fetch me.
we are quarrel on phone. until going to had lunch.
i still angry . bastard. hengg.
at home.
shooting these. LOL with my messy hair. bla bla bla.
updated bloggie, i think i will going read my BOOKS .
woahh. first time to say this. well, all examinee have a good luck, include me .
scared by this photo??
when i still stay at home.LALALA.
add oil. GOD BLESS ME.