Lokechijhin . oneseven this year . From ipoh . :)


Enough it For Me

Today i wear like this to go out Jusco with mr.mystery. LOL. his name in my blog. i need keep this top secret. hohoho. 10am waked up, prepare and waiting him, i think he yesterday late to sleep, he wanna rest more awhile. never mind, i understand it. so i didn't call him or what, let him sleep enough. well,i online Fb while waiting him. Finally he waked :) guy, dont be anxious. i didnt blame on you .i willing to wait you.
Jusco, We watch this soon, Priest

when watch movie before, i think he hungry already,went to Black Canyon . when he look at the menu, realize all the food is Thailand flavor. LOL. he didn't say, i dont realize it. chit-chat. 6pm starting movie, feel cold and the movie is so disgusting. i need cover my eyes. LOL. Finish it, ready to back home, 8pm++ still early? hmm.... well, back home better. although i really not willing ,cause i miss him. have no choice.sorry
remove makeup and shower, update blog.
sigh, goodbye and take care. imy always.


Happy Birthday GrandPa

Saturday night, going to celebrate my grandpa birthday,actually i not confirm he what age this year. sorry about that. evening, my mum and me bought birthday cake ready to celebrate tonight. before i out to Garden Restaurant (Chinese Restaurant), that is beside of the Euro House.
you know, we all need wait almost a hour only can eat. LOL. hungry much! look at the picture, i consider all of us also hungry , that why just only leave some residues. Start to celebrate, the restaurant play the birthday song , and we sing .
finished, my cousin and i take picture here. I self-loving also. There have a Big Big mirror, this is the stuff i most love.
my cake,i just eat a little bit enough to me. want share? LOL.

return home, mother's sister and her both cute daughter came my house. play with her daughters. 2-3 years old only.
And lastly, i miss him, can i hug him? i think nope, that is wont been happen.
Good night Buddy .hmm.......


Friday ? :/

Friday, i dont know why have many student absent, include my classmate. today is a freaking boring day, please back home fast. shower and prepare, makeup with mascara, and a pair of black contact lens, pimples are come out, take good care my face, after that, want to take a new shorts from I.P. On the way .go I.P . i wear casual today.

get it, next location, Pizza Hut. LOL. finally, my mum bring me go,so glad man!

what we order? look here.

My lovely pizza . yummy, and 2 piece already get full. hmm.....
have surplus of pizza take away, and my dessert: Mango Pudding. sweet (:
5PM++ back home :)
self-loving again, i feel the photos are so funny and crazy. my messy hair and funny face,and a doggie. it is a doll i hug it sleep everyday . hohoho
, so weird, have a ''person'' texted me. you know? i really surprise, his message make me mad. heartbeat so fast. the stupid feelings is come back! OMG . help me please! i helpless now. empty thinking. i didnt think he will back. whatever, calm me down! calm me down!!!!!!!!!!!!!


With Mum ♥

Thursday,after school, back home shower and rest for awhile.
hmm.. actually today is Jusco Day, Members Day.
Big Big Offer. woah, huge crowds of people.
Finally, went Jusco for shopping. Free parking but hard to find parking. LOL. I thought go for buy clothes, but not all the stuff suitable me. suitable my mum more. She bought two of handbags,clothes and shoes. Well, i have some harvest also. hees.... shoes and a new glasses. hmm...we used RM400++ today. 6pm more,my stomach is hungry, ate dinner, afterward return home.
First , take photo by camera.and my new glasses.
Am i look emo?LOL.

finish update bloggie wanna sleep , damn sleepy. WTF
lying bed, enjoy my beautiful nightmare.

Night babe♥



整系挂住一个人, 静静甘霖耶,静静甘傻笑...我系没好傻啊?
我班上都有几个好朋友,拒地唔系损友黎嘎 !
广友谊不变系假嘅,边有甘长久先得嘎. 我对友谊已经死左心嘅啦.
爱情叻? 哇,仲衰,某人要添! 已经几个月啦,我好似都傻下傻下做人.
两,三个礼拜就已经可以到甘亲密嘅地步 ?我真系做唔出.
系我变左定系人家边左叻? 人心难测啊.嬉皮笑脸嘅人唔系好人.
样斯文唔得水嘅喔,广耶吓趁人 =.=
省返口气暖肚? 睇死我? 哼...就变俾黎地睇!

向这个moment,好想唱K舒缓下心情. :')


Saturday :)

A Special Saturday, full of schedule.
First, Parade. KBOX.
On the way,
after fetch Kongcl, both of us straight go to Kbox.
photograph here.

this is her first meal. sandwich and french fries.

i think she is really very hungry, pitiful girl. LOL
sorry i cant endure , it is put in front me, how can i dont eat it?
she like to be EMO. hmm.......

we play madly there,
we are SH.... toilet .. heesss

next location, Kopitiam,
chatting there,
actually, we are emo , have same feelings same topic. well, friends is not worthy to trust.
hello Marlboro, i hate cigarette :x

Next Location, Euro House,
Am i look like that face?..... i look haggardly. ):
continue ''yum cha'' , ''yum cha'' with this tall stuff. HAHAHAHAHA
At toilet, LOL!!, sorry , we are self-loving and been crazy tonight.
.... we both :)
she always cant be serious take photo with me==
Shisha come. ophss...
you know, shisha make me faint. arghhh
almost 12 return home. damn tired. remove makeup straight go to sleep.
'He'' called me . Bored.
Night guys.



Look at this.
Ipod another new model.
when i saw it , i hope i can get it.
So So Cute. i loving it.
small of size. and many color for choose.
which color you like?
Red color i like, look sharp in that new music goods.
buy it, buy it. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

it is square shape . and it is smaller than you hand.
it had smallest screen. touch it :D

this is it's side face, and it's behind.
it's price :
8GB1: RM 549.00Includes RM 50 VAT, duty and levies.*
16GB1: RM 679.00Includes RM 62 VAT, duty and levies.*

wanna know more about it? click it ... :)

Examination in progress, please, as fast as it can end it..
i have pressure recently. exam days always affect my mood.
never mind, when exam was end, we have 2weeks of holiday to relax and enjoyment.
midyear holiday. treasure it when i still is a student.
next year was how?i dont know , so cherish nowadays.


Mcd .. hees.

OMG. what happened to weather today?
i cant endure the HOT. sweating........
even though i switch on the air-conditioner also cant feel cold.
and, when i napping, also can sweating, gosh, suffering when i nap.
i think not only i feel this, include Malaysia people .right?
shower of twice, not enough for me. feel my body is sticky.
arghhh, towards this situation i feel disgusting and aversion.
how many glasses of ice-water, also cant cure the temperature seem fire.
Ophss, finally and sudenlly. my mum bring me to Mc Donald.
Oreo-Mcflurry is my favorite. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

she is my Angel at this moment. muackss. I LOVE YOU.
And Mum, Happy Mother Day .
its is my dessert tonight.

already and prepare tomorrow exam. Night Dude, :D


Angry Birds

The Likability Of Angry Birds..

You know AngryBird is so Cute.
I think they would soon become fashionable goods.






Television drama?

i edit the dialogue
AngryBird is a Cute Doll for me.
its is ugly? i dont think so.
when you look at its angry expression, you feel yourself want to pinch it.
colourful and lovable.

may be not all of people love it. but i think its wont to be distasteful?
different people ,different views ,right?
i wont love it like madly, just its gave me feel make own happily.
So? If you feel Angry or Sadness, please. Punch and Kick its.
I am not sadist. Try it :)