Lokechijhin . oneseven this year . From ipoh . :)


Take Care. please.

Exam today.subject ENGLISH. i thought i get confidence on this .
But. when i open the first page of exam paper. my face is changed.
that is not easy i thought.slept awhile do awhile.
finally is perfunctory to done it. i think i can expect my score.
when want to think out a composition, my brain is thinking about Jou Gong.
always feel wanna sleep.
i think it because yesterday.i awakened because my Lovely Mother.
Repeatedly make noisy , make my hard to sleep.
i think i got a big big panda eyes on my face. can imagine this is very ugly.
and today, we discussed about a new promotion from DiGi.
''DiGi Easy Prepaid'' got 3 friends and family.
Only that 3FnF ,call an text wont reduce the credit from phone.

is that great for us? we discuss and imagine about when using this things.
can track and check theirs boyfriends whenever and anywhere.

Back home. text my Bie . seriously, i miss him much today.
after bath, continue to text with him. he called me.
chat awhile, i away. said when i finish will find me for 3G.
finally, we waiting each other. misunderstand again. wait until i sleepy .
gradually , i fall to sleep. sorry .is tired
when i sleep soo sweet, Cb her is calling me. forgive me , ignore your call.
7something, i text him and her back, chat alot.
he said want buy dinner for me, i said i wanna eat OREO MCFLURRY.
my good boyfriend already promise me said buy ''Wan Tan Mee'' and Milo,Orea mcflurry .
finished conversation.i went ate my dinner.
afterward online ! my relative is visit us. especially my grandfather.
He is calling me. he said he is waiting me outside my house.
take 2 pack of stuff to me. very thanks you came my house purposely.
he is on the way home.and i enjoy my Mcflurry,is freaking delicious for me.
even though , i know that will be fat . but whatever,ate first.
sorry i watching drama ignore you already.End the drama,i quickly text him.
wanna hear his sweet and cutie sound. but just awhile.
i sad and cry. he accompany me the time very short. heartpain.
he going work at midnight, he sleep not enough in this 2days.
you thought you really is a Superhuman? even though a superman also need rest.
you are stronger than superhero. where your strength come from?
know i will worry? sigh. please .go sleep when you cant endure.dont stubborn brace until you illness!!! i feel compunction . and regret ;(

take care yourself carefully when you at the single time without me.
I love you my future husband .

